Instructions on how to use
Residential Proxy at FastProxy optimally

Create an account. #

  • Step 1: Fill in the fields correctly.
  • picture
  • Step 2: Click the Sign Up button.
  • Step 3: After clicking Register, you need to contact Support (Chat Facebook or Chat Skype) to verify information and activate your account.
  • picture

View information at Panel. #

  • 1: Buttons to go to action page.
  • 2: View overview information:

    + Number of Active and Not Use Ports.

    + The remaining Bandwidth and the Bandwidth number of the next plan will activate when the current bandwidth plan expires.

    + The amount you have left over, automatic recharge button.

  • 3: Important notices and essential instructions for you.

Add funds. #

  • Use Transfer:
  • + Scan QR or enter information correctly.

    + Note that you need to enter the exact transfer information according to the instructions,
    for example: myusername chk
    ->rani01 is your Username.

  • Use USDT:
  • + BEP20
    + ERC20
    + TRC20

    -> Once submitted, please take the Transaction ID at the checkout to enter verification, the system will add money to your Username.

    -> Do not turn off the Page when the transaction has not been successful.

Buy Bandwidth & Billing. #

Buy New Bandwidth

  • Step 1: Select Buy Bandwidth.
  • Step 2: Enter the amount of bandwidth in GB that you need to buy.
  • Step 3: Look back at the total amount you'll pay.
  • Step 4: Select Confirm.
  • picture

History Order

  • + Plan is Active is being used.
    + When this Plan expires or runs out of bandwidth, it will automatically switch to the next Plan.
  • picture

List Proxies. #

Create Port Auth

  • Step 1: Select Create Port.
  • Step 2: Set Port according to your needs. Including GEO, State, City, Rotate: 1 to 60 minutes.
  • Step 3: Select Create.

Clone Port Auth

  • Select Clone in the ACTION column the ports you need. A new port with the corresponding setting will be created.

Edit Port

  • Step 1: Select the Ports you need to change.
  • Step 2: Select Settings.
  • Step 3: Update the settings you want again.
  • Step 4: Select Apply Settings.

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FastProxy Technology Company

[email protected]